May 2024

A cube at the ‘Meilleur de la pub 2024’

Thursday 16 May saw the 9th edition of Meilleur de la Pub held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne. This event is an opportunity for communications agencies in French-speaking Switzerland to present their best campaigns produced between June 2023 and April 2024. Our agency was shortlisted in the ‘promotional content’ category.

It was a category we performed brilliantly in, and earned us our first cube for our influencer campaign with Andros Suisse and the Kambundji sisters, which we’ve already had the opportunity to tell you about on this website (here).

May 2024

Pitch win TCS Camping

TCS Camping has chosen our agency to amplify its social media presence. Our proposals, centered around the latest trends and mechanics of the platforms aiming to connect with an audience that not only resonates with the content but also embraces the brand. Beginning in May, we are excited to lead their strategy, content creation, and editorial line.

April 2024

Vaudoise insurance pitch win

Vaudoise has organized a competition to find its new social media agency for the coming years. A tender that we brilliantly won in January!

The national insurer, who was looking for its new partner to manage its presence across various platforms, was charmed by our pragmatic and innovative approach. We will therefore be rolling out our strategies, concepts, and campaigns over the next few years.

We invite you to follow the various social media networks of Vaudoise Assurances from April 1st, 2024, to discover our work.

February 2024

Launch of our spin-off UTY3

In response to the increasing market demand for the deployment of smart tools, we have decided to create UTY3, a spin-off from our agency.

The goal of UTY3 is to enhance the performance and productivity of companies by integrating solutions such as artificial intelligence to automate processes and repetitive tasks with no added value.

To best propel this ambitious project, we have decided to create a new entity by partnering with Alec von Barnekow, who is passionate about the internet of tomorrow and a recently graduated computer engineer.

December 2023

Second largest agency in French-speaking Switzerland

This was the highlight at the close of 2023: Our agency ascended to the 2nd spot among communication agencies in the French-speaking region of Switzerland.

The ranking is based on an evaluation of the gross operating income (GOI) generated by the LSA agencies for the year 2022 and offers an overview of the communication and media agencies in Switzerland organized within the association.

It is established annually by Leading Swiss Agency and is considered a guide within the Swiss communication market.